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Date: 08.08.2017   
The Mayor Ilan SHOR had a working meeting with the Mayor of Satul Mare municipality from Romania, Gabor Kereskenyi, who was on an official visit to Orhei. Read more...
Date: 03.08.2017   
The City Hall of Orhei, on the initiative of the mayor, Ilan Shor, announces the start of the project "Bike Sharing", which provides citizens with 50 bicycles that can be used free of charge for walking around the city or moving from one point of Orhei to another. Read more...
Date: 03.08.2017   
Mayor of Orhei, Ilan ŞOR congratulated another 26 young families, giving them the allowance for the new-borns in the amount of 7 thousand lei for the first child and 10 thousand lei for the next child. Read more...
Date: 01.08.2017   
The final stage of repairing the streets in Orhei began with the coverage with bituminous asphalt of a layer of about 10 cm. Modernization works included the complete removal of old layers, leveling and compacting of road foundations as well as gravel coverage. Read more...
Date: 26.07.2017   
According to a provision of Mayor of Orhei, Ilan Şor, the Municipal Enterprise "Locative Communal Services" carries out extensive works for the modernization and repair of roads on 5 streets of the town of Orhei with a total length of over 1000 meters. Read more...
Date: 02.07.2017   
About 20,000 Orhei dwellers participated in the opening of the largest recreation area and the most modern tourist attraction - Lake Orhei On musical notes during a mega concert and a party with foam, in front of tens of thousands of Orhei dwellers, Orhei Lake was opened for visitors. Read more...
Date: 23.06.2017   
Innovation at Orhei: The Town Hall modernizes and rebuilds the roads with its own forces According to a provision of the Mayor of Orhei, Ilan Shor, the Municipal Communal Services Locative Enterprise carries out extensive works of modernization and repair of the roads and sidewalks in the city. Read more...
Date: 16.06.2017   
Mayor of Orhei Ilan SHOR ordered an urgent large-scale reconstruction of the city lake, so that by July 1, the Orhei residents could fully enjoy the absolutely renovated beach and recreational area in general. In order to manage the implementation of the mayor's decree within the term prescribed, the works on the improvement of the lake and the adjacent coastal territory, which were launched on Friday, May 19, will be conducted in non-stop mode. Read more...
Date: 01.06.2017   
The International Children's Day was particularly marked at Orhei. In order to make them a wonderful feast, Orhei City Hall has turned Ivanos Park into a Fairy-tale world, a world of children called OrheiLand. Read more...
Date: 26.05.2017   
Another 30 young families in Orhei have received today allowances for newborns in amount of 7000 or 10000 lei. The financial support comes from the Mayor of Orhei, ILAN SHOR. So far the Mayor has provided allowances to over 500 young families in Orhei. Read more...
Date: 10.05.2017   
For the second consecutive year, the Victory Day has been marked in Orhei by a concert and other cultural-artistic events. Read more...
Date: 24.12.2016   
Live concert with Anna Lesko, decoration detached from stories, wooden houses with various holiday gifts, magnificent decorations, huge Christmas tree, Disneyland skating rink, fairy-tale characters and of course Santa Claus and thousands of visitors. This is a summarized picture at the opening of the most beautiful Christmas Fair in the country. Orhei's center was unbeatable for the guests coming here to see the real beauty of the winter holidays. Read more...
Date: 08.11.2016   
Dear Orhei residents! This wonderful day, I express to all my sincere congratulations on the occasion of this holiday!!! I have said not once and I will say today that for me you are not only the residents of Orhei, but also a part of my family and my soul. Becoming the Mayor of Orhei, I have discovered something new to me. This new thing is the care and help for people who have entrusted me with such an important and responsible field of work. Read more...
Date: 29.03.2016   
Starting from today, young people in Orhei will have new opportunities and will have a lot of facilities. All this is due to the initiative of Mayor Ilan Shor, who launched a new project for teenagers in Orhei, by setting up an educational and sports Center called “Youth Center”. Read more...
Date: 04.03.2016   
Mayor of Orhei, Ilan Shor, presented today a report referring to the results recorded in the first months of this year and to the priorities for 2016. Read more...
Date: 27.11.2015   
Orhei City Hall announces that, starting from December 1, 2015, the families in Orhei will receive a unique childbirth allowance, called the „Allowance of Orhei town for a newborn”. Read more...

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