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Mayor of Orhei, ILAN SHOR, presented his activity report and priorities for 2016
Date: 04.03.2016   

By referring to achievements, the mayor said that in a relatively short period of time, he succeeded as follows: to rebuild high quality roads; to illuminate and landscape the city; to reduce the water tariff; to provide material aids; to build social stores; to grant the city’s unique allowance for newborns; to renew the vehicle fleet and to develop other important projects.

Ilan Shor stated that all these were just beginnings which must find their continuity also this year. The Mayor declared that from this point of view this year will be a year full of activities, but also with many challenges.

In terms of infrastructure, the Mayor mentioned that repair works will also be extended this year and about 40 streets in the districts of Centru, Nistreana, Lupoaica and Slobozia Doamnei will be repaired, starting from April this year. “For this purpose, a quality asphalt production plant will be brought to Orhei town. This will optimize the costs and thus we will be able to offer new jobs to town residents with decent wages”, as he pointed out.

According to him, another problem of the city is related to multi-storey residential houses under the management of the housing fund. “Following a feasibility study performed we found that 102 houses are in a deplorable condition. For these reasons, we decided to urgently undertake repair works to these houses. Thus, starting from April, several construction teams will initiate massive interior and exterior repairs” declared Ilan Shor.

According to him, the obsolete lifts in the multi-storey buildings are another problem of the city. Therefore a tender was announced for the economic agents interested in the procedure of changing the lifts in the multi-storey buildings of the city.

He mentioned that the landscaping of the city is another project of major importance and massive landscaping works of the entire city will be initiated starting from this month.

Ilan Shor said that special attention will be paid to the setting up of playgrounds for children. “We took the decision that besides the 10 playgrounds built last year, at the request of the town residents, we will build and arrange another 25 children's playgrounds this year” declared Ilan Shor.


The mayor announced that water purification works from the local lake will be initiated starting from this month, and at the same time there will be carried out works of greening and reconstruction of the dam, refurbished the beach and the perimeter adjacent to the lake.


Referring to the social field, the Mayor mentioned the Youth Center in the town will be equipped with a computer class, where young people will be able to study different technical programs, but will also have a modern sports hall, equipped with the more modern sports equipment, boxing ring, with special coaches. Also at the Center, young people will benefit from studying English and French, as well as other facilities.


On the same matter, the Mayor told about the social stores launched in November 2015, where about 85,000 operations have been carried out until the present. “For these reasons, we decided to build three other social stores in the next quarter, as well as expand the range of products with fruit and vegetable” underlined Ilan Sor.


He also announced such intentions as: allocating 4 Ares of land to each worker in the social sphere, building a dog shelter, continuing to allocate the allowance of the town for newborns, providing new material aid to retirees, veterans and people with special needs.


Referring to the cultural field, Ilan Shor declared that he intends to transform Orhei into a cultural center, by periodically conducting festivals, exhibitions of painting and handicrafts, as well as other cultural activities.


Ilan Shor said that in order to achieve all these intentions, the city needs to have a solid economic base and announced that a new approach will be implemented in this regard. “This approach presupposes that the municipal enterprises shall be reorganized; the management shall become more efficient; the economic agents shall expand their activities and get involved in several business projects within the limits of the legislation. This is exactly the approach we have been guided by and will serve as basis for our further actions in whole. Moreover, I will personally use my best efforts to ensure that the revenues of municipal enterprises amount to 30-35 million MDL annually” he declared.


The Mayor also declared that several development projects in the sphere of production and sales are currently under consideration.


Also in this chapter, Mayor of Orhei, Ilan Shor, specified that he will reorganize the municipal enterprises, both at the level of human resources and at the level of management.


Moreover, the gap between the salary of a company director and a subordinate will not be so considerable.


For example, if currently a Director's salary is about 10000 to 13000 lei and a street sweeper’s salary is up to 2000 lei, then along with the implemented reforms, the salary of a street sweeper will be between 4000 to 5000 lei, and the salary of a director will be from 7000 to 8000 lei.


Also, the corporate management staff will receive salary depending on the company's revenue.


Ilan Shor reminded that, in the electoral campaign, but also in his appointment, he promised to make Orhei a champion city among all the cities of Moldova. When presenting his report, he reiterated this commitment, noting that together with the team he would endeavour to ensure that every town resident be proud of the fact that he is a resident of Orhei.

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