The mayor of Orhei, Ilan Shor, signed the Decision of the Orhei Municipal Council on the approval of the Regulation on the introduction of measures to encourage the return of Orhei residents to their homeland, who are now forced to seek work abroad.
Initiated by the Mayor Ilan Shor and jointly developed with the fraction “Pentru Orhei”, the document was adopted by a majority of votes on October 13.
This document implies a whole complex of measures, fixed at the level of local normative acts. In particular, it introduces a number of benefits and privileges designed to support our compatriots in their return to the homeland.
Thus, those who decided to return under this program and their family members will be granted the right to a tax amnesty for local taxes and fees for the previous period, as well as tax benefits for a certain period from the date of return. In particular, within three years individual enterprises established by returning compatriots, or commercial enterprises in which they possess not less than 75% of the capital, will be completely exempt from local fees and taxes.
It is also planned to provide the returnees with a special cash allowance, in the amount of 10 thousand lei, which will be paid in installments during the year. In addition, returning compatriots, as well as members of their families will have the right to compensation for transportation and utilities. Namely: 100 lei per month for compensation of using urban transport; 300 lei per family for compensation of utilities, for the next heating season.
The program participants will also be guaranteed the right to use existing social stores, social pharmacies, which are supposed to be opened in the future, as well as municipal services of legal, medical and psychological support.
The program will provide for other benefits and opportunities, including employment and comprehensive support.
In order to be recognized as a "person returned to the municipality" and, accordingly, to use the above benefits, first of all the resident of Orhei must meet the following criteria:
The idea of developing and implementing a special program for the return to the homeland of compatriots who were forced to leave Moldova in search of earnings was voiced by the Orhei Mayor Ilan Shor at the opening ceremony of the Independence Day celebrations in Orhei, on August 27 this year.
Within the framework of this program it is planned to open offices-representations abroad that will inform compatriots about the program and provide them with the necessary support in the host country. It is also planned to introduce at the local and central level legislative and regulatory initiatives that encourage the return of fellow citizens to their homeland.